Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Internet - Not a Human Right

Monday, CBC carried a story that the UN wants "access to the Internet" to be declared a Human Right. Before I am accused of anything, I self-identify as an "ICT-huger". I however don't believe technologies should be a Human Right.

Just think of Radio or TV, they are both only as good as what we do with them. They don't constitute a Right but access to information - through these tools and others - is. Same way that water pipes in communities should not be a Right.

Look, what will be done to the countries that violent their citizens' Right to the Internet?...well, to the UN Right body I say, never been good to ask a question whose answer you can't handle.

Take a Listen: http://www.cbc.ca/video/#/Radio/The_Current/1450068094/ID=1984355208